Wantage 8th May

Wantage 8th May

Belated news of a Nightjar calling in Wantage late wednesday early thursday morning.
There has been no further sight or sound of it since.

- Wantage: Lark Hill: 23rd August
Wantage: Lark Hill 2 Green Sandpiper: Over, calling. 19:00. 5 Corn Bunting 19:00. Leo Bateman...

- Blenheim Park 28th March
Belated news of a Ring Ouzel at Blenheim on Thursday (per Dave Daniels) Crossbill 5 near the ornimental gardens 29th (per The Wickster)...

- Otmoor 26th June
Saunders Ground Quail: Heard twice calling from near the bridleway out on Greenways betwen the hide and the Barbara Austin bench late morning but not again before the rain arrived. No sound of the Corncrake anywhere. John Edwards Water Rail (swimming...

- Wantage Lattin Down: 26th June
Wantage: Lattin Down Quail: heard calling. SU411845. Adam Hartley...

- Wood Warbler 11th April
Wood Warbler heard along the Avenue at Shotover this morning at the Shotover House end. (per Andy Gosler Oxonbirds) -No further sight (or sound) of it by 13:50. -Still no sign between 2:30-3:50p.m (per Dave Lowe)...

