
One of Three Raven at Blenheim (c) TS
+Crossbill 10
No sign of any Hawfinch
(per The Wickster & Terry Sherlock)

- Blenheim Park 28th March
Belated news of a Ring Ouzel at Blenheim on Thursday (per Dave Daniels) Crossbill 5 near the ornimental gardens 29th (per The Wickster)...

- Otmoor 26th November
No sign of any Whooper Swans on Otmoor today (per The Wickster & Terry Sherlock) Though Otter showing well this morning on the island in front of the 1st screen. Currently no access on to the reserve from Noke or Oddington due to flooding. Otmoor...

- Otmoor.a.m. 7th November.
Peregrine (c) Terry Sherlock 1 Hen Harrier (per Terry Sherlock) 1 Peregrine (per Terry Sherlock) 1 Barn Owl nr Noke Farm (per Badger) 3+ Water Rail (calling) 60+ Snipe (one flock) 4 Goldcrest C. 450 Lapwing. 1 Black Cap m (per Terry Sherlock) Large...

- Otmoor 16th October
Bearded Tits still present this evening 18:10 in the northern end of the reed bed (heard only) (Badger) No sign this morning 07:45-11:30 in very windy conditions (per Terry Sherlock) Still no sign by 2p.m (per Barry Batchelor) Belated news from the Otmoor RSPB...

- Oakley Wood 20th November
20+ Crossbill in Oakley Wood c14:30 near the car parking area per Terry Sherlockphoto (c) T.Sherlock ...

