Xmas Quiz Results

Xmas Quiz Results

It's Xmas quiz results time! Many thanks to those who entered, it was a little harder than last year but not so hard that it spoiled the enjoyment we hope. The answers are below

There are two entries which both got just one wrong so the much coveted title of "King of the Quiz" is jointly awarded to Stuart Thomson and Jeremey Dexter - well done to both of you!

2. Brown river DUNNOCK
3. Thievin' ROBIN
4. Sounds like a crow BLACKBIRD
5. Boast about roadkill CARRION CROW
6. Used knife REDSHANK
7. Be waffling BRAMBLING
8. Prop up an entrance? JACKDAW
9. A noose for a curry? PHALAROPE
10. Bank transfer SWIFT
11. Engulf SWALLOW
12. Top fish STARLING
13. Dancing? RAVEN
14. e.g. stamp collecting HOBBY
15. Gordian Wader KNOT
16. Religous wag GODWIT
17. Age of the boar PIGEON
18. Underground singer REED WARBLER
19. Wit's story? WAGTAIL
20. Victory talk? WHINCHAT

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