Xmas Quiz Answers

Xmas Quiz Answers

Here are the answers to the Oxon Bird Log Xmas Quiz. Of those that entered, the standard was very high. The clear winner though was Barry Batchelor with all answers correct and he gets the prize of the signed Ian Lewington Scops Owl print.

Question Answer
1. Demand feline consciousness Kittiwake
2. Historic architect Wren
3. Entrance for a giant killer by the sound of it Jackdaw
4. A short fixed period of work Little Stint
5. Itchy ditty Song Thrush
6. Communist tethered aircraft Red Kite
7. I hear Sir finds himself in a storm Nightingale
8. This dry humour's a head turner Wryneck
9. Shoot from cover Snipe
10. Pale flower stem by the sound of it White Stork
11.Water fowl that goes like a steam train Mallard
12.Gulp down Swallow
13.Liverpool player on the side? Redwing
14.Jonathan the writer Swift
15.Batty singer Willow Warbler
16.Bearded stage act I hear? Whiskered Tern
17.The boy wonder Robin
18.Chesapeake bay window Baltimore Oriole
19.Newby without end Rook
20.e.g. I map - all confused Magpie
21.Communist Party funded butcher Red-backed Shrike
22.Gosh further termites by the sound of it Cormorant
23.To have ones posterior pinched by the The Office management Brent Goose
24.Hillbilly diver Red-necked Grebe
25.Vulgar rubber-necking Common Crane
26.Chaffed leg? Redshank
27.Too cold to go topless? Blue Tit
28.Early Norman Cook House Martin
29.Food found foraging in the countryside by the sound of it? Fieldfare
30.One last song without words Mute Swan
31.Chinese civil servant Mandarin
32.Second helping of chicken? Moorhen
33.Royal angler Kingfisher
34.Labour Party election Redpoll
35.Rooster in a copse Woodcock
36.From the darkness came 'A growled noel' Long-eared Owl
37.Right for painting (with lots of colours) Roller
38 The first page of a branded notebook? Black Redstart

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