Christmas Quiz

Christmas Quiz

In keeping with the newly formed tradition from last year, this year we have another Christmas quiz. Unfortunately we don't have any prizes this year but the highest score does take the prestigious title of King of the Quiz for the next year. Just to remind you, the title is currently held by Barry Batchelor.

All the answers are birds that have been seen in Oxfordshire. Please submit your answers to Gnome before the New Year.

1. Ivy?
2. Brown river
3. Thievin'
4. Sounds like a crow
5. Boast about roadkill
6. Used knife
7. Be waffling
8. Prop up an entrance?
9. A noose for a curry?
10. Bank transfer
11. Engulf
12. Top fish
13. Dancing?
14. e.g. stamp collecting
15. Gordian Wader
16. Religous wag
17. Age of the boar
18. Underground singer
19. Wit's story?
20. Victory talk?


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