Balscote Quarry

Balscote Quarry

On the water/scrape today @ 11.40am were 5 Lapwing, 8 Black Headed Gull and 1 Common Gull. Great to see a Peregrine come in on a hunting flightpath and put them in the air.

23 Species noted:-

Lapwing, BH Gull, Common Gull, Mallard, Peregrine, Buzzard (2 Calling)), Tree Sparrow, Dunnock, Yellowhammer, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Pheasant (4), Goldfinch, Reed Bunting (2), Chaffinch, Crow, Wood Pigeon, Greenfinch, Blackbird, Robin, LT Tit, Skylark (singing), Song Thrush (singing).

Mark Ribbons

- Radley Gravel Pits/lakes 8th Feb
Wigeon,Teal,Mallard,Shoveler,Tufted duck,Pochard, 4 Little Grebe 14 Cormorant 4 Heron 60+ Gadwall 2 Red Kite 1 Buzzard 1 Water Rail (calling) 50+ Lapwing 1 Green Sandpiper 2 Common Gull 2 Stock Dove 4 Skylark 4 Song Thrush 1 Bullfinch 1 Lesser Redpoll...

- Radley Gravel Pits/lakes 13th Jan

- Cholsey 26th Nov
♀ Merlin 1 Kestrel 18 Golden Plover 1 Lapwing 1 Common Snipe 12 Yellowhammer 2 Bullfinch several Siskin overhead 200+ each of Redwing & Fieldfare 10 Skylark 3 Reed Bunting 1 Great-spot A few each of Song & Mistle Thrush. c20 Blackbird Good nos...

- Cholsey, 10th Nov
200+ Fieldfare 50+ Redwing 30+ Blackbird (usually only 5 or 6) 5 Song Thrush (normally 1) 1 Tufted Duck (unusual record for my patch) 4 Bullfinch 7 Stock Dove 3 Reed Bunting 6 Yellowhammer 100+ Goldfinch (in 2 hours) + a few Chaffinch & Greenfinch....

- County List
I'm still working on the formatting for this Category A Species which have been recorded in an apparently natural state at least once since the formation of the OOS in 1921. * Number of birds recorded are shown for Rare (Ra) and Very...

