Witney Lake

Witney Lake

1 Slavonian grebe
1 Med. gull
60 siskins
(per the Wickster)

Grebe still present at 13:00
(per Steve Burch)

Photo (c) Steve Burch

Still present c16.00
(per Keith Clack)

- Farmoor 2nd January Pm
No sign of the Slavonian Grebe, but the GND still present on FII. (c) Stephen Burch www.stephenburch.com ...

- West Oxon Gps 2nd Feb
Slavonian Grebe still at Witney Lake +Little Egret Smew (redhead) at Rushy Common 28 Reed Bunting 7 Yellowhammer 84 Linnet 7 Red-crested Pochard on Pit 10 Standlake Common +4 Lesser Redpoll (per Keith Clack)...

- Slavonian Grebe Witney Lake 19th Jan
Slavonian Grebe still present at 16.30 on Witney Lake +Little Egret (per Tony Edwards Oxonbirds)...

- Slavonian Grebe Witney 13th Jan
Slavonian Grebe on Witney Lake this morning (per Dave Doherty) Still present at 15.50 along the northern shore (per Jon Prowse) Access to the Lake is from the end of Avenue two off Station Lane.(photo Badger)...

- Farmoor 20th Nov
Great northern Diver still, on F2 until 13:10 at least (per Steve Goddard) although increasingly elusive. No sign of the Black-necked Grebe today. (per the Wickster) +Siskin 4 Snipe 1 common sandpiper (Steve Burch) 1 sanderling still (Steve Burch) The...

