Slavonian Grebe Witney 13th Jan

Slavonian Grebe Witney 13th Jan

Slavonian Grebe on Witney Lake this morning
(per Dave Doherty)

Still present at 15.50 along the northern shore (per Jon Prowse)
Access to the Lake is from the end of Avenue two off Station Lane.
(photo Badger)

- Slavonian Grebe Witney Lake 6th Feb
Slavonian Grebe Still showing well late morning. Access from the end of Avenue Two off Station Lane. ...

- Slavonian Grebe 5th Feb
Slavonian Grebe still Witney Lake at the southern end at 3.45p.m and showing well (per R.B.A) Access from the end of Avenue Two off of Station Lane....

- Slavonian Grebe Witney Lake 22nd Jan
Slavonian Grebe still Witney Lake at south end at midday Access from end of Avenue two off Station Lane. (per Steve Burch) Photo (c) Steve Burch (click here for higher res. version)...

- Slavonian Grebe Witney Lake 19th Jan
Slavonian Grebe still present at 16.30 on Witney Lake +Little Egret (per Tony Edwards Oxonbirds)...

- Slavonian Grebe Witney Lake 14th Jan
The Slavonian Grebe was showing well at 13.00 hours on Witney Lake today.Witney Lake is accessible from the end of Avenue two off Station Lane....

