Farmoor 2nd January pm

Farmoor 2nd January pm

No sign of the Slavonian Grebe, but the GND still present on FII.

(c) Stephen Burch

- Churn: 26 July
Red-backed Shrike still present in poor conditions briefly at around 12:15 - 12:30 just east of the old Field Study Centre in a curved row of bushes along the edge of the arable field at about SU521827 Still present at 16:37 per Paul Chandler Red-backed...

- Standlake Pit 60: 18 July Am
 No sign of Redstart, Green Sandpipers nor any other migrant waders!  Common Tern (c) Stephen BurchLapwing (c) Stephen Burch Little Egret (c) Stephen ...

- Farmoor Reservoir
No sign of the Falcated Duck by 11:20 this morning. Also the Mallard numbers have dropped by c250 birds. (per Dai & Terry Sherlock)   Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I 3 Dunlin 3 Scaup: ad female; juv female; juv male. 2 Slavonian Grebe Farmoor...

Lapland Bunting (c) Stephen Burch Click here for high res version. Wheatear at Farmoor (c) Stephen Burch ...

- Witney Lake
1 Slavonian grebe 1 Med. gull 60 siskins (per the Wickster) Grebe still present at 13:00 (per Steve Burch) Photo (c) Steve Burch Still present c16.00 (per Keith Clack)...

