Wether & Ridgeway Downs: 04 October AM

Wether & Ridgeway Downs: 04 October AM

5 Common Crossbill, seen feeding and then to fly high NW.
3 Grey Partridge
2 Raven
1 Stonechat (m)
16 Lapwing
Loose, mixed finch & bunting flock in stubble field and adjacent hedgerow;
c.50 birds inc. Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Corn Bunting, Reed Bunting & Yellowhammer

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 25th January
Unconfirmed report of a male Cirl Bunting in with a mixed flock of 40/50 Reed Bunting, Chaffinch and Goldfinch seen from the hide at 14:45. ...

- Foxholes Bbowt 29th December
Raven 1 Woodcock 2 Marsh Tit 4 Great Tit 24 in one flock feeding in leaf litter Mixed flock of 40+ Chaffinch/Yellowhammer/Reed Bunting  feeding in game cover Bullfinch 9 Lesser Redpoll 1 Goldcrest 3 Nuthatch 7 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1...

- East Hendred Down 05/01/13
A decent gathering of finches and buntings in the scrub on the conservation area, impossible to count fully (distance/movement/light) but at least; 50 Goldfinch 35 Linnet 12 Chaffinch 9 Yellowhammer 5 Corn Bunting 4 Reed Bunting 2 Brambling Also 35 Fieldfare,...

- Oxon Downs 8th April
Ridgeway Down and Wether Down 2 Corn Bunting: Singing male. SU4384. Ridgeway Down and Wether Down 2 Grey Partridge: SU4384. West Ginge Down 4 Grey Partridge: 2 pairs. Mark Merritt...

- Churn 24th October
Merlin Sprawk 13 Grey Partridge 7 Red-legged 50+Corn Bunting 2+Reed Bunting 30+Yellowhammer 100+Skylark 2 Wheatear 2 Brambling...

