Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 25th January

Otmoor: RSPB reserve: 25th January

Unconfirmed report of a male Cirl Bunting in with a mixed flock of 40/50 Reed Bunting, Chaffinch and Goldfinch seen from the hide at 14:45.

- Otmoor. Afternoon. 26th. Jan.
Linnets.Wren. Marsh Harrier in conflict with Crow over Reedbeds. No sign of yesterdays reported Cirl Bunting Marsh HarrierStonechat 2Reed Bunting c60                             ...

- Foxholes Bbowt 29th December
Raven 1 Woodcock 2 Marsh Tit 4 Great Tit 24 in one flock feeding in leaf litter Mixed flock of 40+ Chaffinch/Yellowhammer/Reed Bunting  feeding in game cover Bullfinch 9 Lesser Redpoll 1 Goldcrest 3 Nuthatch 7 Great Spotted Woodpecker 1...

- East Hendred Down 05/01/13
A decent gathering of finches and buntings in the scrub on the conservation area, impossible to count fully (distance/movement/light) but at least; 50 Goldfinch 35 Linnet 12 Chaffinch 9 Yellowhammer 5 Corn Bunting 4 Reed Bunting 2 Brambling Also 35 Fieldfare,...

- Otmoor 26th July
Otmoor Mega... Unconfirmed report of a Corn Bunting this morning in the Car park field at RSPB Otmoor. No sign of Corn Bunting this p.m per Terry Tossel but Green Sand 2 Common Sand 1 Greenshank 1 Snipe 1...

- River Thame 7th December
I am just back from visiting a farm west of Thame on the south side of the river, which is doing lots of good habitat management work with RSPB support. One of his wild bird cover strips had at least: Linnet 250+ Reed bunting 100+ Yellowhammer 20+ Brambling...

