East Hendred Down 05/01/13

East Hendred Down 05/01/13

A decent gathering of finches and buntings in the scrub on the conservation area, impossible to count fully (distance/movement/light) but at least;

50 Goldfinch
35 Linnet
12 Chaffinch
9 Yellowhammer
5 Corn Bunting
4 Reed Bunting
2 Brambling

Also 35 Fieldfare, 8 Redwing and a patrolling male Kestrel. 22 Pied Wagtail over with Meadow Pipits heard but not seen.

- The Downs 29/03/13
3 hours spent in the Nutwood Down & Mere End Down area from 6AM; Female Merlin just off of Gramps Hill 30ish Corn Bunting among a flock of 90+ Corn Buntings, Yellowhammers and Linnets. Asides from the flock; 5 singing Corn Buntings and 18 Singing...

- River Thame 7th December
I am just back from visiting a farm west of Thame on the south side of the river, which is doing lots of good habitat management work with RSPB support. One of his wild bird cover strips had at least: Linnet 250+ Reed bunting 100+ Yellowhammer 20+ Brambling...

- Balscote Quarry 5th December
Site still frozen and lower numbers of passerines. Brambling 2Tree sparrow 10+Yellowhammer 3Reed bunting 1Coal tit 2Green woodpecker 1Linnet 1FieldfareRedwing...

- Churn 14th Nov
25+ Grey Partridge Sprawk 250+Fieldfare 100+Redwing 1000+Wood Pigeon 50+Corn Bunting 20+Yellowhammer 2 Reed Bunting 30+Chaffinch 20+Linnet...

- Cholsey, 10th Nov
200+ Fieldfare 50+ Redwing 30+ Blackbird (usually only 5 or 6) 5 Song Thrush (normally 1) 1 Tufted Duck (unusual record for my patch) 4 Bullfinch 7 Stock Dove 3 Reed Bunting 6 Yellowhammer 100+ Goldfinch (in 2 hours) + a few Chaffinch & Greenfinch....

