Wendlebury Meads: 28th April

Wendlebury Meads: 28th April

28th April

Wendlebury Meads
2 Curlew: Pair of birds mobbing passing carrion crows.
2 Ruddy Shelduck: At a farm pond not far from the main farmhouse, but clearly free-winged.

Tom Evans

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Woodstock: Shipton Slade Farm Raven: mobbed by two carrion crows. 16:00. Bob Pomfret...

- Pixey Mead: 21st April
21st April Pixey Mead 2 Curlew: One watched feeding. Then when two ravens flew by a second curlew appeared and both engaged in frenzied aerial defensive manoeuvres. The ravens found the nest though and carried off an egg. I was well distant, watching...

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- Muswell Hill Mid Pm 10th Oct
Wheatear juv 1 Raven 1 Asham Meads Linnet 60+ flock...

- Weekend Bird Pics
Sedge Warbler,Otmoor 17th April Lapwing,Otmoor 17th April Grasshopper Warbler,Sydlings Copse 16th April Photo's (c) W.P.Bull...

