Pixey Mead: 21st April

Pixey Mead: 21st April

21st April

Pixey Mead
2 Curlew: One watched feeding. Then when two ravens flew by a second curlew appeared and both engaged in frenzied aerial defensive manoeuvres. The ravens found the nest though and carried off an egg. I was well distant, watching (horrified!) through a scope.

Yarnton Mead
4 Curlew: Confirmed as different from the two birds at Pixey Mead. No evidence of incubation - all four birds feeding, associating as two pairs.
2 Oystercatcher: Present just across Thames from the Mead.

Cassington GPs
Whimbrel: Flew over calling.

Tom Evans

- Pixey Mead: 7th June
Pixey Mead Curlew 11:00. 2 Egyptian Goose 11:00. James Evry...

- Thame: 11th April
4 Garganey (3m) at Mead Farm (Buckinghamshire) but seen flying around and into Oxon airspace. (per Going Birding Bucks / C. Young)...

- Pixey Mead: 13th April
Pixey Mead 2 Curlew Tom Evans...

- Port Meadow 12th March
2 Avocet: Standing on ice and occasionally venturing into water to feed. 3 Redshank Several Dunlin Curlew (h) Also  11th March Oxey Mead 5 Goosander: 3m, 2f.  Steve Goddard, Gnome, Badger, Two Eyes & Andy Last Video (c) Badger...

- Goingbirding: 28th February
Oxey Mead 2 Oystercatcher: SP482108. Steve Goddard ...

