Port Meadow 12th March

Port Meadow 12th March

2 Avocet: Standing on ice and occasionally venturing into water to feed.
3 Redshank
Several Dunlin
Curlew (h)

11th March Oxey Mead
5 Goosander: 3m, 2f.

 Steve Goddard, Gnome, Badger, Two Eyes & Andy Last

Video (c) Badger

- Port Meadow: 11th March
This evening Glaucous Gull: ad. The adult bird again in the roost this evening. 6 Avocet: Back on the floods again this evening. 3 Redshank Dunlin Adam Hartley This morning  06:30-07:45 Ruff 2 Ringed Plover 4 Dunlin 2 No sign of any Avocet ...

Crane Update 25th March Gloucestershire   3 Cranes Whitminster flew S/E over M5 j13 at 11:30am 25th March Oxfordshire          3 Cranes flew north over Farmoor Res 18:19pm 25th March Oxfordshire         ...

- Cranes On Otmoor 26th March
Two Cranes have been been seen again this morning in the Otmoor area. The birds are very mobile and flighty and if you are lucky enough to see them please keep your distance and be aware that at this time of year all the fields hold breeding...

- Port Meadow 20th March
Port Meadow Dunlin 2 Little Ringed Plover 11 Redshank Sydney Penner Port Meadow 3 Dunlin 8 Redshank 20th March Oxey Mead 2 Green Sandpiper James Grundy...

- Goingbirding: 14th March
14th March Port Meadow 6 Redshank 2 Dunlin 14th March Port Meadow: Burgess Field Nature Park 2 Chiffchaff Richard Foster ...

