Weekend Bird Pics

Weekend Bird Pics

Sedge Warbler,Otmoor 17th April
Lapwing,Otmoor 17th April

Grasshopper Warbler,Sydlings Copse 16th April

Photo's (c) W.P.Bull

- Otmoor: 29th April
29th April Otmoor Grasshopper Warbler: heard from Roman Road reeling in car park field. 15:30. 6 Whinchat: from path to first screen. 16:45. Tawny Owl: calling from MoD land. 17:20. Peter Law...

- Otmoor: 22nd April
22nd April Otmoor 3 Black-tailed Godwit 08:30. Black Tern: From first scene. 10:00. Sedge Warbler 10:00. 3 Blackcap 10:00. Reed Warbler 10:00. Jim Hutchins...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 30th April
30th April Otmoor: RSPB reserve 3 Marsh Harrier: 1f over reed bed @ 14:30, then 3f @ 15:40 all at once with 1 Red Kite and 1 Common Buzzard. 2 Hobby: out on Greenaways. Cuckoo: calling from N side of reserve. Grasshopper Warbler: reeling from edge...

- Otmoor And Farmoor
Otmoor 9 Warbler species this morningLesser WhitethroatCommon WhitethroatGarden WarblerWillow WarblerChiffchaffBlackcapGrasshopper WarblerSedge WarblerReed Warbler Farmoor9 Little Gulls on F1 until 0845 (when they flew off high to the east)...

- Otmoor 10th April
Marsh Harrier Female seen flying over the reedbed before flying off high S/E at around 10:30 Wayne Bull Lesser Whitethroat singing from near the car park Whitethroat Grasshopper Warbler Sedge Warbler Reed Warbler Cuckoo Yellow Wag (per Pete) 3 Garganey...

