Waxwings 17th March

Waxwings 17th March


32 Waxwing Churchill Hospital.

Gavin Paterson

- Oxford 27th March
Oxford:Churchill Hospital Chiffchaff: Singing. SP541057. Nick Suckling...

- Waxwings 23rd Feb
20+ Waxwings Abingdon feeding on berries outside 106 Saxton Road 08:00a.m. More could be heard. (per The Wickster) 11 Waxwings west over the University Parks (Office window tick!) at 14:42(per Steve Bell)38 Waxwing Headington Churchill Hospital near car...

- Waxwings 22nd February
40 Waxwings Abingdon along Saxton Road this morning. (per The Wickster) 32 Waxwing Headington at South Park. (per Gavin Paterson)22 Waxwings Abingdon along the Wooton Road near the 'One Stop'shop this morning.(per B.B)105 Waxwings Abingdon on...

- Goingbirding: 20th February
Headington Buzzard Gavin Paterson ...

- Waxwings 31st December
Approx 15 Waxwings flew north over Lake Street Oxford heading towards the Grandpont area at 11:56a.m. (per Dave Lowe) 12 Waxwings flew over the Warneford Hospital at Rosavelt Drive entrance heading towards the Churchill at 9.15am today. Couldn't locate...

