Oxford 27th March

Oxford 27th March

Oxford:Churchill Hospital
Chiffchaff: Singing. SP541057.

Nick Suckling

- Oxford: Oxford Canal: 23rd April
23rd April Oxford: Oxford Canal Grasshopper Warbler: Singing from high in a small shrub in a field west of Oxford canal near Burgess Field. SP502087. 11:00. Port Meadow 3 Egyptian Goose 11:30. Steve Goddard...

- Oxford: Walton Manor: 10th March
Oxford: Walton Manor Chiffchaff: m. singing. Adam Hartley...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 13th April
Grimsbury Reservoir 3 Swallow: Flew N without stopping. 12 Great Crested Grebe 3 Sand Martin Grey Wagtail: Singing. Nick Suckling...

- Goingbirding: 25th February
Headington: Bury Knowle Park Peregrine: Churchill Hospital. Gavin Paterson ...

- Waxwings 23rd Feb
20+ Waxwings Abingdon feeding on berries outside 106 Saxton Road 08:00a.m. More could be heard. (per The Wickster) 11 Waxwings west over the University Parks (Office window tick!) at 14:42(per Steve Bell)38 Waxwing Headington Churchill Hospital near car...

