GoingBirding: 20th February

GoingBirding: 20th February


Gavin Paterson

- Drayton 1066: 24th July
Drayton 1066 7 Green Sandpiper Redshank 29 Lapwing 2 Snipe 2 Buzzard Gavin Paterson...

- Drayton 1066: 22nd July
Drayton 1066 9 Green Sandpiper 2 Snipe Redshank Buzzard 10 Red Kite 22 Lapwing Gavin Paterson...

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 27th May
Otmoor: RSPB reserve Dunlin Little Ringed Plover Cuckoo 3 Buzzard Little Egret Turtle Dove Quail: heard on Ashgrave from hide. Gavin Paterson ...

- Waxwings 17th March
Headington 32 Waxwing Churchill Hospital. Gavin Paterson...

- Waxwings 22nd February
40 Waxwings Abingdon along Saxton Road this morning. (per The Wickster) 32 Waxwing Headington at South Park. (per Gavin Paterson)22 Waxwings Abingdon along the Wooton Road near the 'One Stop'shop this morning.(per B.B)105 Waxwings Abingdon on...

