Warborough 14th May

Warborough 14th May

No sign of reported Rough-legged Buzzard between 15:40-17:00
near Upper Farm Warborough.

3 Buzzard
8+Red Kite
Corn Bunting

- Wytham Woods (from Farmoor Causeway)
Buzzard - 6 Red Kite - 2 Sparrowhawk - at least 2 Kestrel - 2 Swallow - 3 (s) Skylark - 2 (w) no sign recently reported goshawk between 1 - 3pm. + Ringed Plover - 2 (Badger)...

- Rough-legged Buzzard At Warborough
A rough-legged buzzard reported on OOS by "SRA" (Steve Ash) today at Warborough...

- Cholsey Downs 20th March
Short-eared Owl near the Fairmile. No sign of the Rough-legged Buzzard....

- Goingbirding: 19th March
Fair Mile Grey Partridge: calling at 9am. Rough-legged Buzzard: soaring at 9.30 with 3 Common Buzzards. 3 Corn Bunting: 3+ birds singing at 9am. Jonathan Mercer...

- Rough-legged Buzzard 18th March
No Sign of juv Rough-legged Buzzard Cholsey Downs 3p.m-4:50p.m but Ring Ouzel (male) (per R.B.A)...

