Rough-legged Buzzard at Warborough

Rough-legged Buzzard at Warborough

A rough-legged buzzard reported on OOS by "SRA" (Steve Ash) today at Warborough

- Shotover 21st November
Report of a Rough-legged Buzzard at Brasenose Wood SP560054 (Andy Gosler on the OOS sightings page)...

- Rough-legged Buzzard 10th May
Rough-legged Buzzard Warborough over copse behind Upper Farm at 11a.m (for 3rd day). Keep to footpaths. (per R.B.A) ...

- Cholsey Downs 20th March
Short-eared Owl near the Fairmile. No sign of the Rough-legged Buzzard....

- Rough-legged Buzzard 18th March
No Sign of juv Rough-legged Buzzard Cholsey Downs 3p.m-4:50p.m but Ring Ouzel (male) (per R.B.A)...

- Rough-legged Buzzard, Cholsey Downs. 16th March
The Rough-legged Buzzard seen at 08:30 this morning at the start of the Fairmile (by the motor bike course and sheep field) on a fence post along with a Common Buzzard. Flew NNW but lost in the murk as visibility down to between 200 to 400m. Sighted again...

