Cholsey Downs 20th March

Cholsey Downs 20th March

Short-eared Owl near the Fairmile.

No sign of the Rough-legged Buzzard.

- Otmoor Nov 1st
Short-eared Owl 2 Peregrine Water rail (per Terry Tossel) Short-eared Owl yesterday near Cholsey. Over my patch [nr Cholsey] on Sunday afternoon at 17.15 - a silhouette appeared from near the river Thames, flew over the paddock, buffeted by the strong...

- Rough-legged Buzzard 18th March
No Sign of juv Rough-legged Buzzard Cholsey Downs 3p.m-4:50p.m but Ring Ouzel (male) (per R.B.A)...

- Rough-legged Buzzard 17th March
Rough-legged Buzzard (juv) Seen again this morning (per Dave Doherty) flying along the Fairmile near Cholsey. -Seen again late afternoon per Gnome Photos taken Wed (c) R.Wyatt ...

- Rough-legged Buzzard, Cholsey Downs. 16th March
The Rough-legged Buzzard seen at 08:30 this morning at the start of the Fairmile (by the motor bike course and sheep field) on a fence post along with a Common Buzzard. Flew NNW but lost in the murk as visibility down to between 200 to 400m. Sighted again...

- Rough-legged Buzzard Cholsey Downs
Rough-legged Buzzard Cholsey Downs on The Fairmile by the motor cycle track ranging towards Lowbury Hill....

