Upper Lambourn: 20th January

Upper Lambourn: 20th January

Upper Lambourn
80 Corn Bunting: Minimum. Flock in flight. 16:00.

Jed Cleeter

- Kingston Lisle: Ridgeway: 9th February
Kingston Lisle: Ridgeway 2 Raven Peregrine: fem. Adult Fem. Lambourn: Red Barn 2 Grey Partridge 60 Corn Bunting Raven Peregrine: imm fem. Jed Cleeter...

- Lambourn: Red Barn: 8th January
Lambourn: Red Barn 37 Corn Bunting 15:30. 6 Raven: Together. 15:30. Jed Cleeter...

- Warborough 14th May
No sign of reported Rough-legged Buzzard between 15:40-17:00 near Upper Farm Warborough. 3 Buzzard 8+Red Kite Kestrel Corn Bunting...

- Waxwing 22nd March
A single bird seen sat in a tree calling at 1.30p.m in Lambourn Road,Rose Hill, before flying off 5 minutes later....

- Waxwings February 3rd
waxwings in Lambourn road. Photos (c) W.Bull 29 Waxwings sat in a tree in Lambourn Road,rose hill and feeding on rosehips in the back gardens at 9.35 a.m. Flew off towards Asquith Road at 9.50 a.m. W .Bull 8 Waxwings Abingdon, at the Dunmore Road end...

