Kingston Lisle: Ridgeway: 9th February

Kingston Lisle: Ridgeway: 9th February

Kingston Lisle: Ridgeway
2 Raven
Peregrine: fem. Adult Fem.

Lambourn: Red Barn
2 Grey Partridge
60 Corn Bunting
Peregrine: imm fem.

Jed Cleeter

- Kingston Bagpuize: 26th September
Kingston Bagpuize Peregrine: male. 11:45. 2 Raven 11:45. Jed Cleeter...

- Lambourn: Red Barn: 8th January
Lambourn: Red Barn 37 Corn Bunting 15:30. 6 Raven: Together. 15:30. Jed Cleeter...

- Devil's Punchbowl: 17th June
Devil's Punchbowl 2 Raven Letcombe Bassett: Ridgeway above Letcombe Bassett Curlew: Over field to S. of Ridgeway. 4 Corn Bunting Mark Merritt...

- Oxon Downs 8th April
Ridgeway Down and Wether Down 2 Corn Bunting: Singing male. SU4384. Ridgeway Down and Wether Down 2 Grey Partridge: SU4384. West Ginge Down 4 Grey Partridge: 2 pairs. Mark Merritt...

- Goingbirding: 21st May
Ashbury 23 Corn Bunting: Ridgeway and environs, 16 singing males. 2 Grey Partridge: Ridgeway and environs. 2 Yellow Wagtail Gavin Paterson...

