Tubney 29th December

Tubney 29th December

2 Raven

Mark Merritt

- Tubney: Tubney Wood: 26th January
Tubney: Tubney Wood 6 Raven: Flying north in a loose flock just west of the wood. 16:00. Jed Cleeter...

- Tubney 29th December
2 Raven Mark Merritt...

- Devil's Punchbowl: 31st December
31st December Devil's Punchbowl Peregrine: f. ....also a stoat busily investigating the rabbit holes. Little else was stupid enough to be up there in what were fairly brutal conditions!. Childrey: Childrey Field 3 Corn Bunting Mark Merritt...

- Witney: New Mill: 27th December
27th December Witney: New Mill Green Sandpiper Dix Pit 5 Red-crested Pochard: 3m2f. Well hidden at the margin, possibly more present. Mark Merritt...

- Tubney Wood
1 raven just off the A420 near Tubney Wood....

