Tubney: Tubney Wood: 26th January

Tubney: Tubney Wood: 26th January

Tubney: Tubney Wood
6 Raven: Flying north in a loose flock just west of the wood. 16:00.

Jed Cleeter

- Fyfield: A420: 26th June
Fyfield: A420 Probable Red-footed Falcon: male. Spectacular aerobatics hawking insects at extremely high level between Tubney Wood & Fyfield. Showing light grey colouring when sun on it and wings not sharp ended like Hobby. All characteristics pointed...

- Tubney: Tubney Wood: 2nd March
Tubney: Tubney Wood Woodcock Mark Merritt...

- Farmoor Reservoir 20th January
Farmoor II 7 Goldeneye: 2 male, 5 fem. 4 Little Grebe Chiffchaff 1 near Shrike Meadow Peregrine: Flew S carrying prey, spooked hundreds of gulls. (Anthony Cheke) Pintail 19 Shelduck 3 Wigeon & Teal flock c800 (per Dai) More from the Res at The Insomniac...

- Wytham Wood: 18th February
Wytham Wood 4 Raven: very vocal flying over the NE of the wood today. Ross Crates...

- Tubney Wood
1 raven just off the A420 near Tubney Wood....

