Wytham Wood: 18th February

Wytham Wood: 18th February

Wytham Wood
4 Raven: very vocal flying over the NE of the wood today.

Ross Crates

- Wytham Wood: 1st September
Wytham Wood 12 Siskin Spotted Flycatcher Raven Mark Merritt...

- Wytham Wood: 19th October
19th October Wytham Wood Raven 15th October Tackley: Sturdy's Castle Barn Owl Nick Suckling...

- Wytham Wood: 9th November
Wytham Wood Brambling: Foraging in tree-tops with flock of Chaffinches. SP463078. Steve Goddard...

- 10th May Wytham Wood: Pied Flycatcher
Damien Farine reports a male pied flycatcher in Wytham Wood this morning being mobbed by the resident small birds. ...

- Goingbirding: 16th April
Stanton St. John Cuckoo: One again today moving between Holly Wood and Stanton Great Wood, very vocal. David Brown ...

