Stanton Harcourt 24th Sept

Stanton Harcourt 24th Sept

Ringed Plover
Green Sandpiper
Teal 4
Yellow-legged Gull
Kingfisher (m)

Rushy Common

Common Sandpiper
Green Sandpiper
Yellow-legged Gull

(per Clackers)

- Farmoor 17th August Evening
Peregrine 3 Dunlin 2 common sandpiper 2 yellow wagtail Barn Owl Sparrowhawk Per Dave Lowe & Andy last Yellow-legged Gull 54+ Common Gull Great black-backed Gull (per Lew)...

- Pit 60 Standlake 14th September
Marsh Harrier (f) Sparrowhawk (m) Peregrine Black-tailed Godwit 3 Ruff 2 Green Sandpiper 2 Common Sandpiper 3 Pintail Mandarin on island on the jet ski lake Blackcap 2 Stanton Harcourt Marsh Harrier (f) between Vicarage Pit & Dix Pit probably the...

- Port Meadow: 1st August
Port Meadow Wood Sandpiper 7 Common Sandpiper Green Sandpiper Ringed Plover 2 Redshank 14 Dunlin 3 Little Ringed Plover 2 Oystercatcher Snipe Yellow Wagtail 2 Med. Gull juv.s Adam Hartley, Steve Jennings & Paul Jepsom...

- Stanton Harcourt 16th October
Dunlin 4 Green Sandpiper 2 Golden Plover 2 Lapwing c80 Yellow-legged Gull 4 Sprawk 2 (m/f) 10 Golden Plover Rushy Common a.m (per Clackers)...

- Rushy Common 24th Feb
American Wigeon (dk) again this morning. Med Gull (1stw) Yellow-legged Gull 2 Smew (both redheads) Rushy Common is off of the minor road between Stanton Harcourt and Cogges. There is currently No public access to the newly created nature reserve, but...

