Stanton Harcourt 16th October

Stanton Harcourt 16th October

Dunlin 4
Green Sandpiper 2
Golden Plover 2
Lapwing c80
Yellow-legged Gull 4
Sprawk 2 (m/f)

10 Golden Plover Rushy Common a.m
(per Clackers)

- Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 5th April
Otmoor: RSPB reserve Hen Harrier: Ringtail harassing Golden Plover, Dunlin and Lapwing over Greenaways. 40 Dunlin: associating with Golden Plover. Steve Roby...

- Port Meadow: 31st August
Port Meadow 2 Black-tailed Godwit 8 Golden Plover 11 Ringed Plover 3 Dunlin Common Sandpiper Yellow Wagtail Adam Hartley...

- Rushy Common 24th Feb
American Wigeon (dk) again this morning. Med Gull (1stw) Yellow-legged Gull 2 Smew (both redheads) Rushy Common is off of the minor road between Stanton Harcourt and Cogges. There is currently No public access to the newly created nature reserve, but...

- American Wigeon 17th February
American Wigeon (drk) Rushy Common on east side of pool viewable from minor road between Stanton Harcourt & Cogges. + 2 Smew (readheads) (per R.B.A) Rushy Common is off of the minor road between Cogges and Stanton Harcourt. There is currently no public...

- Port Meadow Friday 4th February
1 adult yellow-legged gull 1 redshank 1 dunlin c. 50 golden plover 1m 1f goosander...

