Pit 60 Standlake 14th September

Pit 60 Standlake 14th September

Marsh Harrier (f)
Sparrowhawk (m)
Black-tailed Godwit 3
Ruff 2
Green Sandpiper 2
Common Sandpiper 3
Mandarin on island on the jet ski lake
Blackcap 2

Stanton Harcourt

Marsh Harrier (f) between Vicarage Pit & Dix Pit probably the same female from Pit 60

Rushey Common

Dunlin 2
Common Sandpiper 2
Lapwing c250
Red-crested Pochard 11
Pintail 3
Yellow-legged Gull 5


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- Otmoor 23rd January
Bittern (2nd screen) Marsh Harrier 2 Peregrine 2 Merlin (per N.Truby) Pintail c50 Green Sandpiper 2 (per Tezzer) Snipe 30+ Golden Plover c1000 Lapwing c3000 Water Rail Cetti's Warbler 2+ Large Starling roost this afternoon but with most birds going...

- Rushey Common Area 13th April Pm
Oystercatcher Sand Martins c25 Conveyor Belt Lake Oystercatchers 2 Red Crested Pochard 2m 1f Greenshank Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Rushey Common Lake Clackers...

- Otmoor 4th September.
2 Marsh Harrier (m+f) 1 Hobby 1 Peregrine 1st sn made several failed attempts at the Starling flocks. Pintail Wigeon 1 Green Sandpiper 1 Greenshank C. 200 Lapwing 1 Black-tailed Godwit. 15+ Yellow Wagtail Whinchat between kissing gate & 1st scn 2...

- Farmoor 2nd September
Osprey pictures courtesey of John Reynolds Osprey (had apparently been there overnight) circled over F2 and then headed SW. Curlew Sandpiper 2 juv still present at dusk Black Tern 2 Wigeon 12 Common Sandpiper 2 Green Sandpiper Black-tailed Godwit...

- Standlake 12th September
Marsh Harrier Black-tailed Godwit 3 Ruff 2 Dunlin1 Green Sandpiper 1 Common Sandpiper 1 Hobby Little Egret 4 (per Brian Wyatt)...

