Standlake Pit 60 27th July

Standlake Pit 60 27th July

Redstart (per Stuart Thomson)

- Dix Pit 19th April
Black-necked Grebe 3 (per Stuart Thomson) Sent from my iPhone...

- Dix Pit 21st December
Drake FALCATED DUCK at Stanton Harcourt on Dix Pit per Stuart Thomson...

- Stanton Harcourt 15th December
Smew (m) on Dix Pit  (per Stuart Thomson) Still 12:50 along 'road' side of the pit though distant (per Clackers)...

- White Stork At Newbridge, 28th April
Stuart Thomson has just found the six White Storks in a field just west of Newbridge, between there and LWV Pit 60 at about SP 395 015. Best viewed from Langley Lane LWV Pit 60. Still present till 18:36 then flew out of view (RBA) Apologies, no...

- Witney 25th Sept
The Dipper was again seen briefly this morning near the weir c10a.m (per Stuart Thomson)...

