Dix Pit 21st December

Dix Pit 21st December

Drake FALCATED DUCK at Stanton Harcourt on Dix Pit

per Stuart Thomson

- Standlake Pit 60 27th July
Redstart (per Stuart Thomson)...

- Dix Pit 19th April
Black-necked Grebe 3 (per Stuart Thomson) Sent from my iPhone...

- Stanton Harcourt 23rd December
No sign of the Drake Falcated Duck at Dix Pit by 11:20. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android ...

- Dix Pit 21st December
Falcated Duck record shot (c) Stephen Burchwww.stephenburch.com The drake Falcated duck was still present at dusk and seemed to be favouring the near left hand corner of the pit viewed from the small car park adjacent to the waste recycling centre....

- Baikal Teal
Baikal Teal: 22nd – 24th December 2002 I visited Dix Pit near Stanton Harcourt at lunchtime on 22nd December 2002 to count the wildfowl having noted a significant influx of dabblers in recent days. There were again large numbers of duck present and...

