Stanton Harcourt 23rd December

Stanton Harcourt 23rd December

No sign of the Drake Falcated Duck at
Dix Pit by 11:20.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

- December Highlights
Iceland Gull by Andy Last Once again the concrete basin took most of the limelight this month and once again it involved a pelagic county mega; also a potential first for Britain but only a second for Oxon stopped off at nearby Stanton...

- Dix Pit 21st December
Falcated Duck record shot (c) Stephen The drake Falcated duck was still present at dusk and seemed to be favouring the near left hand corner of the pit viewed from the small car park adjacent to the waste recycling centre....

- Lark Hill 1st September
No sign of the Wryneck this morning by 08:50 Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- Otmoor 7th April
Ferruginous Duck (drake) still from 2nd screen Garganey 2 (Ashgrave & from 2nd screen) Marsh Harrier White-fronted Geese 7 (per RBA) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- Farmoor 15th December
No sign of the Falcated Duck by 09:00 Scaup 3 Slavonian Grebe 2 (per Dai) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

