White Stork at Newbridge, 28th April

White Stork at Newbridge, 28th April

Stuart Thomson has just found the six White Storks in a field just west of Newbridge, between there and LWV Pit 60 at about SP 395 015. Best viewed from Langley Lane LWV Pit 60.

Still present till 18:36 then flew out of view (RBA)

Apologies, no photographic record of yesterdays Montagu's Harrier at Farmoor hence old school artist's impression with licence.

- Otmoor Great White Egret 25th May
Great White Egret c14:00-c15:00 then flew south and appeared to land somewhere on the RSPB reserve. Found by Barry Bachelor in the field north of the Jacob Stone. there is a large pool in this field that dries out during the summer but is still quite...

- Aston Upthorpe 26th August
Montagu's Harrier (m) Stunned! Long, slim-winged raptor observed (Although white rump made Jay pop into my head initially!), got scope on it quickly. Viewed mostly from above due to vantage point at top Western edge of valley. Decent, albeit brief...

- 1st May: Newbridge Storks, One Has Now Died
RBA reporting them as still present in the same place this morrning. Best viewed by walking west along Thames on the public footpath from the Maybush pub at Newbridge and viewing North between the 2nd and 3rd kissing gates. John Hillsdon writes: "The...

- 30th April Newbridge Storks
RBA now reporting all 6 White Storks again this morning apparently back in their usual place. Best viewed by walking west along Thames on the public footpath from the Maybush pub at Newbridge and viewing North between the 2nd and 3rd kissing gates. Still...

- 29th April Standlake/newbridge Storks
The four white storks were still in their field just north of the Thames this afternoon. They were best viewed from the footpath along the river in the 3rd field west of the Maybush Inn at Newbridge. However as the rain stopped they started drying out...

