Rushy Common & Dix 6th Aug

Rushy Common & Dix 6th Aug

Greenshank still
Green Sandpiper
Oystercatcher 2
Little Egret
Red-crested Pochard

Common Sandpiper 2
Little Egret 2
Red-crested Pochard 10

- Rushy Common 19th July
Peregrine Common Sandpiper 4 Oystercatcher 3 Red-crested Pochard (f) Wigeon (f) Yellow-legged Gull Common Tern 15 Little Egret 3 (Badger,Lasty & SNT)...

- Rushey Common Area 17th March
Chiffchaff  at least 6 around site singing Red Crested Pochard 2m 1f Little Egret Green Sandpiper Goldeneye 1m 2f Oystercatcher 2 Clackers ...

- Rushy Common 5th July
An unseasonable Bittern unconventionally in the open for over an hour please view at 720p Bittern Little Egret Red-crested Pochard Green Sandpiper Common Sandpiper 2 Dunlin Hobby Barn Owl No sign of the Great White Egret by 11:14...

- Farmoor 4th Feb
Red-crested Pochard 9 (F2) Golden eye 50+ Goosander 4 Common Sandpiper Little Egret No sign of any Divers...

- Rushy Common 27th July
1 Little Egret 2 Green Sandpiper 2 Red crested Pochard (f+juv)...

