Farmoor 4th Feb

Farmoor 4th Feb

Red-crested Pochard 9 (F2)
Golden eye 50+
Goosander 4
Common Sandpiper
Little Egret
No sign of any Divers

- Rushy Common 19th July
Peregrine Common Sandpiper 4 Oystercatcher 3 Red-crested Pochard (f) Wigeon (f) Yellow-legged Gull Common Tern 15 Little Egret 3 (Badger,Lasty & SNT)...

- Farmoor 12th April
Little Gull c11 Common Tern Little-ringed Plover Dunlin 14 (a.m) 1 (p.m) Common Sandpiper 4 White Wagtail Red-crested Pochard 17:00 (John Gough) No sign of the Red-necked Grebe (Badger Dai et al) 13:00...

- Farmoor Res 23rd March
All on Farmoor 2 1200-1330 Red crested Pochard 2 pair Common Goldeneye 3 1m 2f Little Egret 1 Meadow Pipit 24  one flock -presumably migrants Also Sand Martin Egyptian Goose (per Dai) ...

- Rushy Common 5th July
An unseasonable Bittern unconventionally in the open for over an hour please view at 720p Bittern Little Egret Red-crested Pochard Green Sandpiper Common Sandpiper 2 Dunlin Hobby Barn Owl No sign of the Great White Egret by 11:14...

- Standlake Pit 60 26 February Pm
1 Smew (redhead) 2 Goosander (both females) 350 Eurasian Wigeon 51 Tufted Duck 50+ Common Teal 20+ Common Pochard 20 Mallard 8 Northern Shoveler 5 Gadwall 2 Little Grebe 1 Little Egret 10 Lapwing 50+ Fieldfare Waterski Pit 10 Goosander (3 males 7 females)...

