Rushy Common 19th July

Rushy Common 19th July

Common Sandpiper 4
Oystercatcher 3
Red-crested Pochard (f)
Wigeon (f)
Yellow-legged Gull
Common Tern 15
Little Egret 3

(Badger,Lasty & SNT)

- Rushy Common 4th October
Egyptian Geese Rushy Common by Badger. Peregrine Green Sandpiper Egyptian Geese 2 Yellow-legged Gull 3+ Dix Pit Red-crested Pochard 11+ Wigeon 300+ Egyptian Geese 2 Cetti's Warbler (per Dave Doherty) Wheatear 2 (per Dave Doherty) (Andy Last &...

- Farmoor 12th April
Little Gull c11 Common Tern Little-ringed Plover Dunlin 14 (a.m) 1 (p.m) Common Sandpiper 4 White Wagtail Red-crested Pochard 17:00 (John Gough) No sign of the Red-necked Grebe (Badger Dai et al) 13:00...

- Dix Pit 15th January
Caspian Gull 1 first winter Great Black Backed Gull 16 Yellow legged Gull 4 Common Gull 9 Northern Pintail 3 Common Goldeneye 4 Eurasian Wigeon/Eurasian Teal/Gadwall/Tufted Duck/ Common Pochard/Mallard/Northern Shoveler all present but not counted...

- Dix Pit 6th January
Red Crested Pochard 2 males Common Pochard 71 Northern Pintail 20 Northern Shoveler 86 Eurasian Wigeon 1000+ Eurasian Teal 9 Tufted Duck 50+ Common Goldeneye 15 Gadwall 100+ Yellow Legged Gull 3 no sign of 2 male Smew here or on pits nearby...

- Dix Pit March 13
Yellow-legged Gull 2 Little Egret 3 Red Crested Pochard 2 (pair) Common Goldeneye 8 Northern Shoveler 20+ (only one female) Common Teal 4 Lesser Redpoll 1...

