Rushey Common Lake 19th June

Rushey Common Lake 19th June

Buzzards at least 8 soaring
Red Kites 3
Cuckoo still calling and showing well
Little Egrets 5
Oystercatchers 4 adults 2 juvs
Ringed Plover


- Otmoor Sat !st August Am
4 Marsh Harriers (2 juvs) Green sand 4+ Spotted Flycatchers ( 2 Juvs ) Bittern / Bitterns No sign of GWE 4 Little Egrets Sparrowhawk Kingfisher Bark et al...

- Rushey Common 6th July Late Pm
Little Egrets 3 Oystercatchers 2 Redshanks 2 Clackers...

- Rushey Common Area, 9th June
many Swifts and Sand Martins all morning-several 100 of each later joined by a few Swallows and c150 House Martins Oystercatchers 4 + 1 juv Cuckoo Red Kites 8 Ringed Plover Little Egret 3 Clackers...

- Rushey Common Area 20th May
Cuckoo Little Ringed Plover 4 Oystercatcher 3 Little Egrets 3 Clackers...

- Otmoor A.m. 12th February.
400+ lapwing C. 100 golden plover 1 little grebe (calling) 5+ red kites 3+ buzzards 4+ dunlin 2 peregrines 5 little egret...

