Rushey Common 6th July late pm

Rushey Common 6th July late pm

Little Egrets 3
Oystercatchers 2
Redshanks 2


- Rushey Common Lake 19th June
Buzzards at least 8 soaring Red Kites 3 Sparrowhawk Cuckoo still calling and showing well Little Egrets 5 Oystercatchers 4 adults 2 juvs Ringed Plover Clackers...

- Rushey Common Area 13th April Pm
Oystercatcher Sand Martins c25 Conveyor Belt Lake Oystercatchers 2 Red Crested Pochard 2m 1f Greenshank Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Rushey Common Lake Clackers...

- Rushey Common Area 27th February
Goldeneye 4 m 4f displaying actively Oystercatchers 2 Green Sandpipers 2 Little Egrets 2 Red Crested Pochard 1m 1f Clackers...

- Port Meadow: 5th July
Greenshank Sydney Penner Also, 2 Oystercatchers 10 Common Terns 9 Little Egrets 2 Common Sandpipers 6 Little Ringed Plovers Adam Hartley Also this evening 1 Curlew 1 Little Gull and the Greenshank still  Adam Hartley...

- Otmoor Thursday Morning
Oddington side: 7 Curlew12 Chiffchaffs9 WrensBeckley side:2 Blackwits4 Oystercatchers1 Garganey8 Little Egrets9 Dunlin3 Ruff100+ Golden PloverWheatear ( per Martin Randall )usual Lapwings and Redshanks * working party on Tuesday heard Cettis calling on...

