Otmoor Thursday morning

Otmoor Thursday morning

Oddington side:
7 Curlew
12 Chiffchaffs
9 Wrens
Beckley side:
2 Blackwits
4 Oystercatchers
1 Garganey
8 Little Egrets
9 Dunlin
3 Ruff
100+ Golden Plover
Wheatear ( per Martin Randall )
usual Lapwings and Redshanks

* working party on Tuesday heard Cettis calling on Maltpit.


- Otmoor April 21st Am
2 Common Cranes over reserve - Seen dropping over hedge around the flood field area 1pm 5 Ruff - Noke Sides, 2 on Big Otmoor 5 Little Egret 2 Cettis Warblers  - Calling towards second screen and near cattle pens 1 Grasshopper Warbler - heard calling...

- Otmoor.a.m. 17th October.
1 Marsh Harrier (F) 1 Kingfisher 300+ Golden Plover 1 Cettis Calling 2nd screen 1 Cettis calling by W. Hide (per C.W.) Stonechats C. 120 Wigeon Per P.R. R&L E. C.W. P.G....

- 25th June Corncrake Calling Again
One of the six terns (c) Bark Paul Greenaway has heard the Corncrake calling from the field to the west of the second screen. Lets hope that it keeps going a bit longer this time. Bark Not heard this pm but six Common Terns on the tern raft a bonus....

- Otmoor. A.m. 2nd. March.
Ringed Plover: Northern phase of reedbed. Green Sandpiper: Northern phase of reedbed. Joe Harris 1 Redshank 1 Cettis Warbler (calling) 1 Water Rail (calling) 1 Tawny Owl (calling) 1 Sparrowhawk (M) 4+ L. Redpoll 21 Curlew (flew in from high up) 21 Curlew...

- Otmoor Sunday
4 Whimbrel9 Curlew1 LRP4 Oystercatchers1 Wheatear ( Noke farm fence )1 Willow warbler 2 Merlin male and female1 Raven1 Garganey14 Sand Martins+ usual ducks Lapwings, Redshanks, Goldies ( eighty) and Lapwings...

