Rushey Common Area 20th May

Rushey Common Area 20th May

Little Ringed Plover 4
Oystercatcher 3
Little Egrets 3


- Rushey Common Area/ Witney 24th November
Rushey Common area Redpoll 2 Green Sandpiper Snipe Yellowhammers 2m Egyptian Geese 2 Siskin Edge of Witney sewage works Grey Wagtail Witney Lake Kingfisher 2 Little Egret Chiffchaff 2 Grey Wagtail Clackers ...

- Rushey Common Area 13th April Pm
Oystercatcher Sand Martins c25 Conveyor Belt Lake Oystercatchers 2 Red Crested Pochard 2m 1f Greenshank Common sandpiper Green sandpiper Rushey Common Lake Clackers...

- Rushey Common 11th May
Common Sandpiper 2 Little-ringed Plover 5 Dunlin 3 Oystercatcher 2 with juvs (per Clackers)...

- Rushy Common 18th April
2 Green Sands 1 Common Sand Cuckoo Garden Warbler 3 Little Ringed Plovers Common Tern Oystercatcher (per Clackers) Sent from my iPhone...

- Port Meadow 3rd July
1 Black-tailed Godwit 1 Oystercatcher 1 Little Gull 4 Little Egrets per Ian Smith & Mary Gregory Also 2 Common Sandpipers 4 Little Ringed Plover Adam Hartley...

