Radley 13th May

Radley 13th May

Radley Hobby (c) The Early Birder

Cetti's Warbler
Common Tern 2
Wigeon (m)

(per Wayne Bull)

Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog

- Farmoor 17th May 18:12
Black-throated Diver in N/W corner of F1 18:12 (per RBA) Red-crested Pochard 4 (3 Male) 17:00 (per Stephen Lockey) Turnstone 6 Sanderling Courtesy of Andrew Marshall Go Wild Wildlife Photography Courtesy of Wayne Bull Wayne Bull's...

- Iffley Meadows 9th March
Jack Snipe Snipe 20+ (per Wayne Bull) Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog...

- Otmoor 3rd March
Hen Harrier 2 (m & ringtail) Bittern Barn Owl (per Wayne Bull) Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog...

- Red Veined Darter Radley Gp 13th September
   Red veined darter record shot. W.P.Bull (4th Oxon record) +4 Hobby Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog  No sign between 5-6p.m (Badger)...

- New Blog On The Block...
 All round naturalist and general top bloke Wayne Bull has just launched a new blog (about time) featuring the wildlife encounted on his many and widespread travels around Oxfordshire and the U.K with his camara, It promises to be an interesting...

