New Blog on the block...

New Blog on the block...


All round naturalist and general top bloke Wayne Bull has just launched a new blog (about time) featuring the wildlife encounted on his many and widespread travels around Oxfordshire and the U.K with his camara, It promises to be an interesting and enjoyable blog and we wish him every success.

Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog

- Farmoor 31st December
 Great Northern Diver (Juv)                                                      ...

- Iffley Meadows 9th March
Jack Snipe Snipe 20+ (per Wayne Bull) Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog...

- Farmoor 19th November
Red-necked Grebe F2 Common Sandpiper Redshank 3 (per Wayne Bull) Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog...

- Radley 13th May
Radley Hobby (c) The Early Birder Hobby Cetti's Warbler Common Tern 2 Wigeon (m) (per Wayne Bull) Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog...

- Red Veined Darter Radley Gp 13th September
   Red veined darter record shot. W.P.Bull (4th Oxon record) +4 Hobby Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog  No sign between 5-6p.m (Badger)...

