Red Veined Darter Radley GP 13th September

Red Veined Darter Radley GP 13th September


Red veined darter record shot. W.P.Bull (4th Oxon record)
+4 Hobby
 Wayne Bull's Wildlife Blog
No sign between 5-6p.m (Badger)

- Farmoor 31st December
 Great Northern Diver (Juv)                                                      ...

- Farmoor 28th November

- Radley 22nd September
Red-veined Darter again at Radley early afternoon north of H/I between the fence line and the main train track. (per Jason Gosling) No further sign 4-5pm ...

- New Blog On The Block...
 All round naturalist and general top bloke Wayne Bull has just launched a new blog (about time) featuring the wildlife encounted on his many and widespread travels around Oxfordshire and the U.K with his camara, It promises to be an interesting...

- Otmoor 26th February
Bittern (showing on and off from the 2nd screen all morning but no sign in the afternoon by 15:30) White-fronted Goose (on The Closes with the Greylags) Short-eared Owl Peregrine Sparrowhawk                                                       ...

