Oxford 30th May

Oxford 30th May

Crane/Stork 14:20 adjacent to A34/A4142 junc circling on thermals before drifting SSW.
Seen originally from car then distantly from the bridge over A34 to South Hinksey.

- North Hinksey 15th February
Short-eared Owl yesterday west of Oxford at North Hinksey (per RBA)...

- Stanton Harcourt/hardwick 22nd January
Great Grey Shrike south of B4449 In scrub adjacent to Pits 3-4 west of access road to West Oxford Sailing Club at 15:08 (per Dave Doherty). Please keep to public footpath....

- Otmoor: 6th June
Common Crane still Otmoor RSPB circling 09:00 to 09:40 then drifted south. Glossy Ibis still this morning from the Hide c09:45 (per Paul Greenaway)...

- Waxwings 6th Jan
14 Waxwings Oxford flew south by the canal bridge on Walton Well Road early afternoon. No sign of any at Osney allotments at 12:45 (per gnome)...

c80 Waxwings SE of Oxford by A4142 Eastern Bypass Road at Oxford retail Park in Premier Inn car park late afternoon. (per Phil Barnett) A single Waxwing over the Bunk Line, south of Wallingford, at lunchtime today. (per R.K.Broughton Oxonbirds) 10 Waxwings...

