Waxwings 6th Jan

Waxwings 6th Jan

14 Waxwings Oxford flew south by the canal bridge on Walton Well Road early afternoon. No sign of any at Osney allotments at 12:45
(per gnome)

- Waxwings 16th December
12 Waxwing on Meadow Lane Iffley (Melissa Holding) 3+ Waxwing Thame near Southern ring road at 11 a.m (per RBA) 6   Waxwings Oxford by the bike racks by the entrance to the Trap Grounds on the corner of Frenchay Road just past the canal bridge...

- Waxwings 16th Jan
25+ Waxwings over oxpens road at 10.00 a.m this morning. 19 Waxwings between 10.10 and 10.30am in Pheasant Walk, Oxford; same spot as previous two days. 85+ Waxwings at 2.45pm briefly (per Lynda & Tony Raymond) 14:00 80+ Waxwings Between Towns Road...

- Waxwings 7th Jan
10 Waxwings, Cholsey: junction of Crescent way - Station road. More details @ http://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/ 12 Waxwing Long Hanborough still on Hurdeswell this morning (per Paul Wren) 5 Waxwings flew south over back garden in Walton Manor. (per...

- Waxwings 3rd January
3 Waxwings flew east over Kingston Road (Walton Manor, Oxford) calling and then back west again. May be same birds that were seen on Southmoor Road two days ago. It may also be worth checking out the Waterside development. (per Gnome) At least 12 Waxwings...

- Waxwings In Oxford 13th Dec
30 Waxwings Oxford flew north over Walton Manor at 1.07p.m (per R.B.A) Walton Manor is the area roughly north of Jericho and south of St. Margaret's Road. ...

