Otmoor Thursday 29th

Otmoor Thursday 29th

No sign of Great Grey Shrike by 10 am
1 Crossbill over and into Noke Wood
2 Stonechats
100 Golden Plover
6 Redpoll

- Otmoor 27th October
Great-grey Shrike courtesy of TezzerGreat-grey Shrike in Julys Meadow 13:50 but no further sign 15:00-dusk (per Terry Sherlock) Digiscoped shot of the Great grey shrike in Julys Meadow today courtesy of the RSPB          ...

- Blenheim Park 28th March
Belated news of a Ring Ouzel at Blenheim on Thursday (per Dave Daniels) Crossbill 5 near the ornimental gardens 29th (per The Wickster)...

- Otmoor Sunday 21st October
1+ Bearded Tit still at Otmoor in northern reed bed at around 10am then again briefly c1pm (per Andy Last) Golden Plover c200 nr Pill Sparrowhawk m Redpoll c15 Brambling Siskin 2 over Stonechat 1m Redwing small flock early am Fieldfare small group early...

- Bagley Wood: 4th February
Bagley Wood Common Crossbill: Heard in flight on 2 occasions. 5 Lesser Redpoll: 5 seen well but probably many others. 30 Siskin: At least 30 in small flocks. Nick Suckling...

- Otmoor 30th October
Hen Harrier 2 (juv & f) Peregrine Golden Plover c20 Water rail Green Sandpiper Pill Woodcock No sign of the Great Grey Shrike...

