Otmoor Sunday 21st October

Otmoor Sunday 21st October

1+ Bearded Tit still at Otmoor in northern reed bed at around 10am
then again briefly c1pm (per Andy Last)

Golden Plover c200 nr Pill
Sparrowhawk m
Redpoll c15
Siskin 2 over
Stonechat 1m
Redwing small flock early am
Fieldfare small group early am
Kingfisher noke pond

Otmoor Birding

- Otmoor.a.m. 16th March..
C.200 Golden Plover (Big Otmoor) 5 Dunlin (Big Otmoor) 2 Curlew (Greenaways) C. 80 Redwing (Noke Farm) 10 Fieldfare (Noke Farm) 1 Chiffchaff (Bridleway) 1 Treecreeper (Car Park)....

- Otmoor 8th March

- Otmoor 22nd January
Snipe c8 Reed Buntings 85+ Linnets 30+ Stonechat m Bearded Tits 3 - originally seen by Robert Widdows in small reed bed in corner by bridge to wetlands hide, then later by me across the path in the reed bed on the way to the first screen. (Clackers) Otmoor:...

- Otmoor 13th October
Male Kingfisher at the 1st screen (c) Mark ChiversBittern again 17:50 over reedbeds (per Jeff jpbird's ) Lapwing c200 Little Egret 11 Redwing 30+ (over carpark field) Stonechat 4 (2 behind the hide 2 nr Noke Farm) Redpoll c32 (12 Oddington...

- Otmoor 1st October
Golden Plover over Otmoor (c) Peter Coombes 28 Golden Plover (Over Heading for big Otmoor) 2 Siskin (In with mixed Gold and Green finch flock. On path just before feeders Early a:m) Hobby Ringed Plover (flying over from 2nd screen direction then dropping...

