Otmoor event Saturday 29th June

Otmoor event Saturday 29th June

Just to remind everyone, we are holding a childrens event 'Explore the Moor' this saturday between 1 and 4pm. This means the reserve is going to be busy and the car park quite full. You are more welcome to visit the reserve at this time, your expereince may just be a little disturbed, not the normal peace and quiet! The hide will also be closed this evening (Friday) for us to set up equipment and re-opened for the event.

Many thanks for your cooperation
The Otmoor Team

- Otmoor 1/10/14
Red-backed shrike, Noke end of the reserve. Note: there is no allocated RSPB parking in Noke village, please be respectful of the people who live here. We have contractors on site at this end of the reserve, please keep out of the way of machinery and...

- Rspb Otmoor: Explore The Moor
On Saturday 29th June we are holding an exciting ‘Explore the Moor’ event on Otmoor. Starting at 1pm and running through to 4pm, it will be a great opportunity for children and families to get close to wildlife on the moor and to take part in...

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- Otmoor Bird Race
A big thank you to everyone who turned out for the annual College Lake and Otmoor Bird Race. This was the first year the race has been held at Otmoor, 8 teams battled it out for the prestigious trophy. Due to the dry conditions on the reserve, bird watchers...

- Northern Long-tailed Tit Otmoor
We had a possible sighting of northern long-tailed tit on Otmoor yesterday afternoon, it was only a quick view at the feeders so it would be great if this could be confirmed. The sighting was from our Assistant Warden and the description of the event...

