RSPB Otmoor: Explore the Moor

RSPB Otmoor: Explore the Moor

On Saturday 29th June we are holding an exciting ‘Explore the Moor’ event on Otmoor. Starting at 1pm and running through to 4pm, it will be a great opportunity for children and families to get close to wildlife on the moor and to take part in fun activities including pond dipping for underwater beasties, bug hunting and building a home for wildlife

You can turn up at any time between 1 and 4pm and the event will be suitable for children from 5-11 years (£1 RSPB members, £3 non-members, adults free).

The starting point for the exploration will be the main reserve car park. Please email or phone to book a place, or for more information. We look forward to seeing you on the day, you never know what you might see!

01865 351163

- Otmoor 8th January
Bearded Tits  - Heard calling from the bridleway in the reed bed towards Noke. c100 yds before Noke turn where the hedge ends and you can see the reeds. Peregrine -  Big Otmoor Pintail - 9 on Big Otmoor Little Egret  - Ashgrave Stonechat...

- Otmoor.a.m. 7th January.
1 Cetti's Warbler (calling, by the bridleway) 20 Snipe (Greenaways Scrape) 3 White-fronted Geese (Ashgrave,Noke end) 1 Ross's Goose (feral) 1 Peregrine (female, on Big Otmoor) 2 Stonechat (M&F, Greenaways) 1 Sparrowhawk (female, Otmoor Lane)....

- Otmoor.a.m. 16th October.
                                                            Bittern (per John Reynolds)   ...

- Big Wild Sleepout
Join us on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th August at Wytham Woods to camp out at the Oxford University's famous research woodland! Go badger watching, bat detecting and find out what else may be active in the wood at night. There will be a bbq and a...

Crane Update 25th March Gloucestershire   3 Cranes Whitminster flew S/E over M5 j13 at 11:30am 25th March Oxfordshire          3 Cranes flew north over Farmoor Res 18:19pm 25th March Oxfordshire         ...

